7 Things You Didn’t Know About Quaid-e-Azam

Let’s not forget the man who gave us the reason to celebrate this day as the independence day of Pakistan. On 14th of August we recount 7 facts you probably did not know about Quaid-e-Azam.

1. Jinnah was a Star Barrister

At a remarkable age of 20 Jinnah was the only Muslim Barrister in the city of Bombay and aslo the youngest Indian at that time to be called to the bar in England. he rose to fame after he handled leading cases for people like Sir Pherozeshah (a renowned barrister himself). he was widely known in the world of law fro his miraculous legal logic and stern self-confidence.

2. 1 Rupee Salary as Governor-General of Pakistan

Jinnah at the time was one of the top earning barristers in Bombay, making around 1,500 Rupees a day (which was a huge sum of money at that time). Nevertheless, concerned about the crisis of lack of resources young Pakistan was facing, Jinnah refused to accept a large salary and fixed it at 1 rupee per month.

3. He was an Avid Dresser

Young Jinnah_thumb[6]

Jinnah for sure knew how to impress the ladies. He loved to dress up like English gentlemen. Sources reveal that he owned over 200 suits and a gazillion ties – Just making that part up – because he never wore the same tie twice! Even on his deathbed he insisted to be formally dressed saying:

“I will not travel in my Pajamas”.

-Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Also how could we possibly forget the iconic “Jinnah cap”.

4. He was Born a Gentleman


His official biographer, Hector Bolitho, wrote how young Jinnah used to discourage other children from playing marbles in the dust, urging them to rise up, keep their hands and clothes clean, and play cricket instead.

5. He had a Brief Stage Career

Dissatisfied with law, Jinnah briefly joined a Shakespearean company and embarked on a stage career which didn’t last long. he resigned after he received a stern letter from his father. (Moral of the Story: Desi parents are always right, just imagine what would have happened if Quaid had never completed his law)

6. Chistopher Lee Played the Role of Quaid in the Biopic “Jinnah”


If you watch movies you probably know who Christopher lee is. He is widely known for playing Saruman, Count Dooku, Dracula and many other celebrated fictional characters.  It is pretty cool that he was chosen to portray Jinnah, not only Christopher Lee gave an outstanding performance, he personally spoke highly of the film and actually loved playing the role of Jinnah. In one of his interviews he said:

“The most important Film I made, in terms of its subject and the great responsibility I had as an actor was a film I did about the founder of Pakistan, called Jinnah.

It had the best reviews I have ever had in my entire career – as a film and as a performance. But ultimately it was never shown at the cinemas.”

-Christopher Lee

7. One of the Largest Streets in the Turkish Capital Ankara is named after Jinnah

The Largest Street in the city of Ankara is named after Jinnah, Similarly there is a “Muhammad Ali Jenah Expressway” in Tehran, Iran. The government of Iran also released a stamp commemorating the centennial of Jinnah’s birth in 1976. In Chicago, a portion of Devon Avenue was named “Mohammed Ali Jinnah Way”.The “Jinnah Tower” in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, was built to commemorate Jinnah.


  1. Samiya Osayed · August 14, 2016

    Feel exactly the same way!!! Wish i was better with words! But I attempted to capture the essence in a living room makeover! Lets just say it got Pakified! Would love to know your thoughts about them! And looove this post! thankyou for sharing happy Independence day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • pakifiedblog · August 26, 2016

      Hey Samiya! Thanks a lot for the kind words, it means a lot to us. We would love to see what you have done with your living room send us pictures at thepakified@gmail.com or our facebook page. Thanks again!


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